"Three girls are summoned by goddesses of the sky to recover stars and constellations that were stolen by Eris, the Goddess of Mischief, to protect the world from eternal darkness and Chaos."
Zodiac is an ongoing graphic novel series that explores themes from magical girl comics, greek mythology and fantasy adventure. Growing up I loved reading manga and other fantasy stories and combined my favorite things together to create this story. I started to draw the characters way back when I was a teenager and continued to do so into adulthood!
The story follows Miah, Danika, and Cyra, three ordinary girls who discover a magic book in their school library that transports them to the world of gods and goddesses. There they meet Selene the Moon Goddess, Heliades the daughter of the Sun God Helios, and Asteria the young Star Goddess in training. They find that Eris, the Goddess of Mischief has stolen the stars out of the sky and hid them on earth, leaving the world dark and leading to chaos. It is up to these three girls with now inherited magic to retrieve the stolen stars and save their world from eternal darkness!
My work is heavily influenced by early manga from the late 80s and early 90s and 2000s which include over the top story telling, character design and of course, the fun and flowing hair and costumes! This comic has been a passion project of mine for over ten years and I am so excited to share this world with everyone!
The story follows Miah, Danika, and Cyra, three ordinary girls who discover a magic book in their school library that transports them to the world of gods and goddesses. There they meet Selene the Moon Goddess, Heliades the daughter of the Sun God Helios, and Asteria the young Star Goddess in training. They find that Eris, the Goddess of Mischief has stolen the stars out of the sky and hid them on earth, leaving the world dark and leading to chaos. It is up to these three girls with now inherited magic to retrieve the stolen stars and save their world from eternal darkness!
My work is heavily influenced by early manga from the late 80s and early 90s and 2000s which include over the top story telling, character design and of course, the fun and flowing hair and costumes! This comic has been a passion project of mine for over ten years and I am so excited to share this world with everyone!